by Cassie Sepp | Nov 9, 2023 | News, Tips
Fall golf has been in full swing at River’s Edge Golf Club, but as the morning temperatures begin to drop, it won’t be long until we enter the winter golf season. The winter golf season is an amazing experience at River’s Edge Golf Club because of its ideal location...
by Cassie Sepp | Oct 26, 2023 | News, Tips
The Perfect Fall Golf Day Agenda Fall is the busiest season in the “Golf Capital of the World,” also known as Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Golfers from all over make annual autumn trips to play some of the best courses on the East Coast in an ideal climate. If...
by Cassie Sepp | Oct 18, 2023 | News, Tips
Choosing The Right Golf Gear For Fall Weather As the days grow shorter and the air becomes crisper at River’s Edge Golf Club, our guests eagerly anticipate the magic of fall golfing. The autumn season along the Grand Strand brings with it cooler temperatures and the...
by Cassie Sepp | Oct 11, 2023 | News
In late September River’s Edge Golf Club received the honor of being named the 2023 Golf Course of the Year by the Myrtle Beach Area Golf Course Owners Association (MBAGCOA). Since the announcement it has grabbed headlines across the travel, golf, and business...
by Jeff Gilder | Sep 22, 2023 | News
Myrtle Beach, SC — The Myrtle Beach Golf Course Owners Association (MBAGCOA) has bestowed the honor of the 2023 Golf Course of the Year upon Rivers Edge, a creation of legendary golf icon Arnold Palmer. Since opening its fairways to golf enthusiasts in 1999, Rivers...